Embracing the holiday we spent late into the evening enjoying $5 all-you-can drink green beer in a surprisingly posh club (surprising both for Oklahoma and for an all-you-can drink place). Since we did lose count it can be inferred we got our money's worth (who would have thought of all places we've been we would party in Oklahoma City?). Making friends with a local crew we did find the friendliness advertised on the "Move to Oklahoma City" billboards, though we cannot say we experienced the same friendliness anywhere else.
On Tuesday we headed out to the world renowned National Stockyard (seriously there were German tourists there) to see some real auctioneering. Sitting in the back we hoped to blend into the crowd but failed to as the auctioneer called out to us in between his undescernable, but strangely musical, rattling off of cattle prices. (My heart sank initially fearing we had unwittingly won the auction, worrying how the hell we would fit a cow into the van). We didn't look back when we left, so hopefully we slipped out a little more descreetly than we came in. It was a neat experience but maybe not one well suited for a vegetarian.
Afterwards we visited the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Grounds. Later we took very enjoyable showers (until the power went out with soap still in my hair).
On a happier note, we did get to see a movie about a suicial teen. Seriously though Perks of Being a Wallflower was great.
OKC bombing memoral tower
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