Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 21- Spokane, WA

                                                  Wednesday 7/11/12
Though they are called "rest stops" it may be more apt to say "rest if no semi-trucks stop." Apparently semi-trucks never turn off their engines. Not once all night. Miraculously Isaiah was able to sleep through some of the noise, unfortunately I was not. (Though she was oblivious to one of the craziest thunderstorms I've ever heard on Anacortes and the beat junkies on Whidbey Island) On the upside this rest stop did have a single stall bathroom. The benefit to this of course is being able to wash your face and hair and brush your teeth in peace. I did all three. Since there is an 8 hour maximum stay at this rest stop (and most) we headed out at the crack of dawn for Spokane. It was really, really hot. Like 91 F at 7a in the morning hot. After getting breakfast and some much needed caffeine we drove to Manito Park. Our initial plan had been to explore both of the two huge parks that Spokane offers but the first is near downtown and it's ridiculous to find parking. Though when driving by we did get to see their slide made to look like a giant Red Flyer wagon.

Manito park boasts a Japanese garden, conservatory, rose garden, Splash Pad and more. We first tried to visit the conservatory but it is regrettably closed every Wednesday for pesticide spraying. (Is it too mean to say I think they might consider closing Spokane every Wednesday for pesticide spraying?) Don't feel too bad for us though, to get to the conservatory you cross through a beautiful courtyard full of flowers and a swan sculpture fountain in the center. We then crossed the park to the Japanese garden which was lovely but undergoing landscaping and therefore not quite as serene as promised by the sign out front. As we walked back to the van we stopped in the huge rose garden with as many variety of roses as you can imagine. They were beautiful but it was very hot and so it was a short stop in this unshaded garden. When we were almost to the van I had to restrain myself from playing in the children's Splash Pad which is like a mini outdoor water park with several different fun water spraying fountains for kids. It looked like it would have felt terrific but I would have been the only one over the age of 5.  (She's less shy about taking a washcloth shower in a truck stop rest stop-I).

After getting our fill of Spokane which is basically like an Albany that stretches endlessly (with some nice parks thrown in) (You know it's a crappy town when its the only real city you've seen in a day and half of driving and end up saying, "yeah, I think Idaho will be more exciting"). We drove to our second state- Idaho. For the night we stayed at the Sam Walton Inn (Walmart) and didn't get that much better sleep with some of the same issues we faced on Whidbey Island.   -A

Manito Park in Spokane

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