Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 293 (Friday 5/10/13)- Blue Ridge Parkway Part I

Starting the day getting the van's brakes and weird shuddering noise checked out we were relieved to find out the issue was minor and we could continue our travels.

Before leaving the area we stopped at the Folk Art Center to browse folk crafts including furniture, quilts, weaving, as well as dolls made out of corn husks. Folk art almost disappeared as people were able to afford to buy clothes rather than having to make them themselves. Non-profit groups helped bring the traditional crafts back to the region in the early 1900's, empowering the local economy through tourism.

Blue Ridge Parkway draws 16 million people each year earning it the title of America's most beloved scenic highway and also the longest, stretching between three different states. Unfortunately timing is everything and this rainy, extremely hazy day made for a terrible and at times dangerous drive. The irony here being that we had spent over a week killing time trying to make sure we drove the parkway in good weather.

Watching the documentary Searching for Sugarman with a bag of chips and candy bars made for an enjoyable evening and though the documentary itself was more good than great, the story is incredible. It is unbelievable to think that Rodriquez was as big as the Beatles in South Africa and no one in America had heard of him until the documentary came out.

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