Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 340 (Wednesday 6/26/13)- Gettysburg, PA

Well the day was mostly a bust. A site we were both really excited about turned out to be mostly a tourist trap. Since it is also a NPS we were especially pissed.

This was on the heels of having to replace the fuel line on Vandrea (the fumes were starting to make us act weird) so we might not have been in the best mood to start with.

With the exception of driving the sites of the Battle of Gettysburg everything else was an additional cost. We opted not to spend $ to watch a park video and instead saw what we could for free and then got the hell out.

A much more enjoyable part of the day was driving through an Amish community in the afternoon. Wanting desperately to see one I was elated as a horse drawn buggy passed us (and waved), a bearded and suspendered man tended the fields and a woman went by on a scooter straight out of the 1900's.


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